IGPX Episode 9: Holiday
Original Japanese title: Holiday
Takeshi and Fantine take a much needed break from racing, and go out for the day. However, Takeshi knows little about being seen in public, and it's going to be a wild ride just to try and have a fun yet private date. Meanwhile, Johnny Lipkin is given the limelight on his life, and what he does to follow Team Satomi and the IGPX. Is Johnny's love for the IGPX interfering with his own life? This episode features Johnny Lipkin, a bigger look at IG City, and an IGPX arcade game.

Spoilers Below
Don't scroll down any further if you want to avoid spoilers! The action reports, music credits and screenshots contain some spoilers from the episode!
Report #1
"No Mercy!" The Rematch between Team Sledgemamma and Team Satomi
Who will go on to fight the reigning champions of the IGPX in the finals?
The match which will decide the victors of the IG-1 for the 2048 Season (the finals) are nearly upon us. Based on the results of the 15 Regular Season races, the team who has jumped ahead to secure a spot in the finals is none other than Team Velshtein, as they have done for the past 3 years. Who will be the team to secure the only remaining seat for the finals match? We'll be finding that out in the next race!
The team who played against Team Velshtein in last year's finals, Team Sledgemamma, showed impressive strength when considering the final results of their racing this season being 3 wins, 1 loss and 1 draw. Their race against Team Velshtein was the only race they lost during the regular season, but that was the race that Team Velshtein got the lowest number of points for this season. Also, Team Sledgemamma wasn't able to finish a race with a "complete victory" (where all three members of one team cross the finish line 1st, 2nd and 3rd) this season. But, not counting "retires", Team Sledgemamma never finished a race with a member placing 5th place or 6th. With those kinds of results, there must be plenty of eager fans for Team Sledgemamma. More than any other team, Team Sledgemamma is truly vying for the spot in the finals against Team Velshtein this year.

On the flip side, we have Team Satomi with the same win/loss ratio as Team Sledgemamma, despite it being their first time in the IG-1. Team Satomi is the surprise team for having accomplished so much in their first year in the IG-1. When you look at the results of each race, we see that they defeated Team Skylark with a 10-point difference, and had two complete victories against Team Edgeraid and Team Black Egg. With fantastic results like these, one wouldn't think this to be their first year in the IG-1! But their first race of the season was against Team Sledgemamma, and only one of their pilots made it across the finish line in that race for a draw. In their race against Team Velshtein, none of their pilots crossed the finish line and they ended the race with no points.
With that kind of gap, it's no wonder that people consider Team Satomi more or less a team where Lady Luck will randomly smile upon them occasionally. It's difficult to tell where and when Lady Luck will shine upon them. However, the fact that they have been this lucky thus far is something that nobody could have predicted before the season's start and luck may still surprise fans as the semi-final match approaches.
Some fans wonder if Team Sledgemamma carelessly showed Team Satomi too much mercy in their first match together. Now looking back at that match, had Team Sledgemamma not allowed Team Satomi to escape with a draw, Team Satomi would not have been able to appear in the semi-finals. In an interview with Team Sledgemamma's Yamma, he enthusiastically stated, "We'll toy around with Team Satomi once more. But this time, we'll show them no mercy." As the tickets go on sale for this semi-final match, River Marque, who was a substitute pilot for Team Satomi previously, has transferred to Team Sledgemamma. There's a rumor he may even appear in the semi-final match. As we await race day, this match is shaping up to be one where nobody will be able to predict exactly what will occur.
2048 IG-1 Regular Season Full Results Grid

Point System:
1st = 15 points
2nd = 7 points
3rd = 5 points
4th = 3 points
5th = 2 points
6th = 1 point
R (pilot retired mid-race) = 0 points
How to read the results grid: To determine how a team did on each race, first choose a team from the list on the leftmost column. Then choose a team they fought against using the choice of teams from the top row. The results shown are how each member placed from the team chosen from the leftmost column.
For example, to find out how Team Satomi did during their match against Team Skylark, look on the bottom row (Team Satomi's row of results) and then look at the column under the "vs Skylark" heading. It reads,
"Win 1-3-R (20P)"
This means that Team Satomi won that match, with their pilots placing 1st and 3rd and one pilot retiring mid-race. To find out how Team Skylark did in that same match, look at the row for Team Skylark and then look at the column under the "vs Satomi" heading (rightmost column). It reads,
"Loss 2-4-R (10P)"
This means that Team Skylark lost that match, with their pilots placing 2nd, 4th and one pilot retiring mid-race.
Music Credits
Toonami Version
"Rapid Fire"
By Klaus Bedalt
Album: Action (not commercially available)
Heard: At the beginning of the episode & again when the game is played in the arcade
By Mr. Scruff
Album: Trouser Jazz
Heard: When we see the Team Satomi members beginning
their day
By Hint
Album: Portakabin Fever
Heard: When Miss Satomi takes a tour of kids around the
Team Satomi facility
By Amon Tobin
Album: Out from Out Where
Heard: When Takeshi goes out into the city
"Landscape with Water-Piano Version"
Licensed Track (not commercially available)
Album: Emotions & Eccentricity
Heard: When Takeshi are at the outdoor cafe
"Toys Are Us"
By Hexstatic
Album: Master-View
Heard: When Takeshi and Fantine are shopping for
"Kids Can Dance"
By Hexstatic
Album: Rewind
Heard: When Liz almost bumps into Takeshi and Fantine
By DJ Food
Album: Kaleidoscope
Heard: When Fantine, Takeshi and Johnny are talking to each other
"Grazing Maize"
By 9 Lazy 9
Album: Sweet Jones
Heard: During a small part of the conversation between
Takeshi and Johnny
"The Lie-In King"
By Irresistible Force
Album: It's Tomorrow Already
Heard: When Takeshi and Fantine talk on the roof
"Chomp Samba"
By Amon Tobin
Album: Bricolage
Heard: When the fight scene begins
"Distorted Minds (Zero dB Mix Instrumental)"
By Hexstatic
Album: Distorted Minds
Heard: When the fight briefly continues
"Getting Pumped ALT"
Licensed Track (not commercially available)
Album: Alternate Emotions
Heard: Last song of the episode
Production I.G Version
"Rapid Fire"
By Klaus Bedalt
Album: Action (not commercially available)
Heard: At the beginning of the episode & again when the game is played in the arcade
The Schematics" (Part 2)
By DJ Vadim
Album: U.S.S.R. Repertoire: The Theory of Verticality
Heard: When we see the Team Satomi members beginning
their day
By Hint
Album: Portakabin Fever
Heard: When Miss Satomi takes a tour of kids around the
Team Satomi facility
By Amon Tobin
Album: Out from Out Where
Heard: When Takeshi goes out into the city
"Landscape with Water-Piano Version"
Licensed Track (not commercially available)
Album: Emotions & Eccentricity
Heard: When Takeshi are at the outdoor cafe
"Toys Are Us"
By Hexstatic
Album: Master-View
Heard: When Takeshi and Fantine are shopping for
"Vacetious Blooms"
By Neotropic
Album: Mr. Brubaker's Strawberry Alarm Clock
Heard: When Takeshi plays Watch World
"A Casa"
By Homelife
Album: Guru Man Hubcap Lady
Heard: When Liz almost bumps into Takeshi and Fantine
Unknown Track (ID #IG1)
By ???
Album: ???
Heard: When Fantine, Takeshi and Johnny are talking to each other
"Grazing Maize"
By 9 Lazy 9
Album: Sweet Jones
Heard: During a small part of the conversation between
Takeshi and Johnny
"Warm Waves"
By Steve Carter
Album: The Seasons
Heard: When Takeshi and Fantine talk on the roof
"Red Heat (Perc Mix)"
By Brian De Mercia
Album: Epic Adventure (not commercially available)
Heard: When the fight scene begins
"Let's Roll"
By Donn Wilkerson
Album: Killer Stage & Screen 1A
Heard: When the fight briefly continues
"Getting Pumped ALT"
Licensed Track (not commercially available)
Album: Alternate Emotions
Heard: Last song of the episode
Additional Information
US original broadcast date: January 7, 2006
Japan original broadcast date: November 30, 2005
Toonami Version Differences
- A very small moment of silence is cut to keep the episode moving - it is right after Amy and Liz confront Takeshi at the Team Satomi headquarters.
This moment of silence occurs immediately before Takeshi's cell phone rings.
- A couple of lines and a little bit of animation are cut from the first conversation after Takeshi, Fantine and Johnny sit down in the restaurant.
- Johnny mentions after how long it took him to achieve the ranking in the arcade sim how he is "not too good at sports, either", which is cut from the
Toonami version.
- Johnny takes a bow as he leaves Takeshi and Fantine for the day - this small piece of animation is cut, likely because it is a Japanese custom that may not be understood by a US audience.
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